Available to rent!

After working diligently all weekend (and until 2 am today) we are ready to go! I have posted some photos of the space on airbnb. Please visit the site to check them out. Here’s a sneak peak of how things progressed…


It has arrived!

We are a little behind schedule due to the rain but we will still be ready for our first renters on Wednesday! The shipping crate arrived on Friday. It came in safely although I still didn’t want to watch. 🙂 we had to take part of our fence down to get the tow truck in but we were able to place the crate in safely and the fence didn’t stay down for long. 

Over the course of the weekend we also finished the trim work, painted the interior and put up siding. I know the guys worked on some internal things as well but I am not sure what they did. 







Tonight I will touch up the paint since I worked in the dark last night and I will also paint the ceiling/ finish behind the refrigerator. I hope to have some helpers coming to join me since I have a list of things to do. 🙂

Here are some more pictures I took (mostly in the dark so they’re not great). No, the toilet doesn’t go in the kitchen.. The guys moved it for me so I could paint the bathroom more easily. 

   As you can see, Ginger was there strictly for support. 

I hope to have photos that show a lot of progress tomorrow!

If you are interested in renting our space, please follow this link

Crown molding and a kitchen!

Cary shared an update with us this evening. Remember…He is working on the house at his place and bringing it to our property on Wednesday.

We found out today that we can get a 24″ TV for our wall between the bedroom and the kitchen and our couch can be just under 6′ wide. I can’t wait to see it! Cary and his brother Matt worked on crown molding and trim around the floor, got our kitchen installed and also added the baseboard heater.

Here are the photos so you can see the progress for yourself!

We also have another important feature – a front door!

Pictured below you can also see the kitchen, which came straight out of a camper! We have plans to replace the faucet and paint the cabinets/ replace hardware.


Trim around the bathroom floor looks great as well.

If you are interested in renting this space please check out our site on airbnb for availability and pricing.

An important part…

We received an important update yesterday…. Good progress has been made in the bathroom and the hookups for the washer and dryer are finished as well! Here are some photos:

Washer/ dryer:








The green walls resist moisture. 

The dumpster was picked up today and the carport had been taken down! Our yard is mostly open and cleaned up… Who knew we had so much space! 


Last but not least here is a quick, not entirely to scale Paint drawing of the layout. 

More updates coming soon! 

A brand new place to stay in Nashville

A few months ago when my fiance and I purchased a new house, we were given the idea to turn our extra building, which at the time was a 17’x17′ shed, into a tiny house.


What a great idea! The wheels started rolling and we were ready to go.  Fast forward several weeks and we found someone who was willing to take on the job.  We had a few days in between the deciding date and the start date, and in that time, our new contractor called and mentioned a new idea that he had.  A shipping crate.  He had it on his property and it had already been started. He’d insulate it, build it up just like a house.

Ashley passed on the info and I told her she was nuts. NO WAY. That sounds horrendous.


I listened to the schpiel, though, and I slowly began to fall into the trap…. this may be a good idea!  We didn’t know how old our building was, we didn’t know what kind of condition it was in, and if we started working on it and found any problems, it could cost a whole LOT of extra money.

We gave our guy the go-ahead, and agreed to let him build us a house out of a shipping crate!  He got to work immediately and has been sending us photos along the way.  In the photos below we can see how well it’s insulated, and we can see the electrical work. We also had him wire it for a stackable washer and dryer in case we want to add that someday. That way it’s all done and we don’t have to go back in and destroy any walls!

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Well, it’s June 23 and our building has been destroyed…and let me point out it was fairly easy to destroy… it crumbled once the plywood was off.  As you can see here, the cinder blocks are not in good shape.  Our shipping crate house, which our contractors Cary and his brother Matt are mostly finishing at Cary’s place, will be delivered on Monday (update: Wednesday!) and will hopefully be ready to rent out by July 3!

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More updates coming soon!